Political Science-[FPSC-U.S A. CSS]-(USA) Political Science Pakistan Constitution Set-Political Science Al-Political Science England Constitution Set-(USA) Political Science Western Political Thoughts Set-(USA) Political Science Development Theories and Under Development set-(USA) Political Science The State Set/[USA ] Political Science Property Sample Test,Sample questions

  According to Anarchists private property:

1.Should be retained under state control

2.Should be placed under the control of few wise

3. It is cause of many social evils

4. Has helped the poor at the time of necessity

  According to Aristotle the best method for holding of property was:

1.State ownership

2.Common ownership and common use

3.Individual ownership and common use

4. Individual ownership and private use

  According to the Individualistic theory of property:

1.Property should be equally distributed amongst all the individuals

2.An individual should be left free to acquire as much property as he can

3.The state should ensure equitable distribution of property through law

4. Property is a divine eift to man

  According to the occupational theory of property the property made its appearance only:

1. With the emergence of various occupations

2.With the growth of capitalist economy

3.After man occupied a piece of land for his exclusive use

4.With the dawn of the industrial age

  Hobbes and Bentham were the supporters of:

1. Legal Theory of Property

2. Socialistic Theory of Property

3. Idealistic Theory of Property

4. Natural Theory of Property

  In his Republic Plato has said about private property that:

1. It should be socialised

2.It should be possessed by ruling classes

3.It should be owned by citizens alone

4.There should be nothing like private property

  Laski was in favour of:

1. Absolute tight to property

2. Abolition of all property

3. Happy blinding of right to property

4. None of the above

  The concept of property:

1.Has been known to the people since the earliest times

2.Came into existence in the 5th century AD.

3.Came into existence in the wake of industrial revolution

4.Came into existence in the wake of large scale production

  The general opinion at present it is favour of:

1.Abolition of all private property

2.Absolute rights to property

3.Right to property within limitations

4. None of the above

  The liberal thinkers of the nineteenth century were:

1.Opposed to right to private property

2.In favour of limited right to property only

3.In favour of absolute right to private property

4. In favour of equitable distribution property

  The Marxian thinkers are:

1.Opposed to all kinds of property

2.Opposed only to personal property

3. Opposed only to private property

4.In favour of both personal as well as private property

  The Socialist theory of property is:

1. In favour of equitable distribution of property

2.In favour of equitable distribution of property

3. In favour of state control over all property

4.In favour of absolute right to property

  The view that all property is theift was expressed by:

1.J.S. Mill

2. Adam Smith



  Which of the following is not true about private property?

1.It divides society

2.It creates an idle class

3.It promotes corruption in society

4. It checks social evils and corruptions

  Which of the follwing is not true about Kants views about private property?

1.It was essential for every individual

2. It was natural right of man

3.It was socially accepted right

4.All property was owned by the sovereign

  Which one of the following is not true about Laskis views about private property?

1.There should be no payment of compensation for property taken over by the state

2.Everybody should have a right to keep legally earned property

3.It created many economic problems

4. It is psychologically inadequate

  Which one of the following is not true about Russells views about private property?

1. It is legal institution

2.It is protected by state

3.It creates misery among people

4. It makes man oppressor

  Which one of the following thinkers defended right to property on the ground of its utility?





  Who believed that private property is essential for the development of individuals personality?

1.Karl Marx


3.J.S. Mill


  Who of the followings opposed private property?




4.None of the above

 According to Individualists property:

1.Is a divine institution

2. State control over it should be absolute

3. State control over it should be absolute

4.Acquisition should be left to individual

 According to Plato:

1. The individual should be given right to have private property

2.There should be communism of private property

3.Private property should be owned by philosopher king only

4.Only the few in power should possess private property

 According to St. Augustine property was:

1.Natural institution

2.Conventional institution

3.Economic institution

4.Political institution

 According to the idealists:

1.All property is theft

2.Property is respobsible for the division of society into two groups haves and have nots

3.Property hinders the development of a mans personality

4.Property is essential for the development of a mans personality

 According to Wycliff the church should:

1.Have maximum property

2.Own that the king allowed much property as

3.Own only limited property

4.Have no property at all

 John Huss had his views about property. Which one of the following is true about him?

1.It helped church in the performance of its duties

2.It stood on the way of church in the performance of duties

3.Church should not be deprived of its property

4. The king had no right to deprive the church of its property

 Laski opposed inheritance of private property on the ground?

1.It leads to stagnation of countrys economy

2.It encourages the children to lead life of luxury without working

3. It gives rise to tension among various claimants

4. On all the above grounds

 The idea of trusteeship of private property emerged with:

1.People taking to agriculture

2.Rise of landed class

3.Spread of Christianity

4.Establishment of constitutional monarchy

 The individualists are:

1.Staunch supporters of right to property

2.Strong opponents of the right to property

3.In favour of equitable distribution of private property

4.In favour of common ownership of property

 The individualists regard the right to property as:

1.Root of all evils

2.A fundamental right

3.An absolute right

4.None of the above

 The Liberals are in favour of:

1.Confiscation of all private property

2. Acquisition of property with compensation

3.Confiscation of property with nomical compensation

4. Abolition of all private property

 Which one of the following is not applicable to Russells about his views about private property?

1. He condemns this old institution

2. It is theft

3. It is based on violence

4.It helped in the unity of community

 Which one of the following is true about John of Paris views about private property?

1.King had no right to regulate property

2.Church should possess maximum property

3. King should respect the sentiments of the owners

4.Pope was the owner and not custodian of property

 Which one of the following is true about Kants views about private property?

1.It should be enough for meeting social needs

2. It was individuals right against each other

3.It was no a right of individual against nature

4. It was not given by society to its members

 Which one of the following is true about Liberals views about private property?

1.Individual should have no right to own it

2.State has right to confiscate it without payment of compensation

3.It should be under state control

4.State should pay compensation for its acquisition

 Which one of the following thinkers challenged the right of the stte to curtail individuals right to property without his consent?




4. All the above three thinkers

 Who of the following believed that private property was needed for the development of individuals personality?

1.Karl Marx

2. J.S. Mill



According to Laski private property contributes to:

1.The prosperity of the society

2.The development of society

3.The weakening of society

4.None of the above

According to Syndicalists in their society of the future private property:

1.Will altogether be abolished

2.Will be retained under trusteeship control

3.Will be managed by the church

4. Will be accepted as a natural right

According to the idealistic theory of property:

1. Private property is a gift from God

2.All private property is theft

3. Property is an essential condition for the fulfilment of personality

4. Private property is the cause of social inequalities

According to the Marxistsin an ideal or Communist society there shall be:

1.Absolute right to private property

2. No right to private property

3.Only limited right to private property

4.Only right ot personal property

Aristotle described mans instinct to acquire property as:

1.A natural instinct

2.An unnatural instinct

3.A base-instinct

4. None of the above

During reformation period the thinkers believed that:

1.Church should have maximum property

2.Church should be deprived of its property

3. Property of church should be regulated

4. King should interfere in the affairs of the church

he Legal theory of property believes that:

1.Property is a natural right and law merely recognises it:

2. Property is the creation of state

3.A person can be deprived of his property for the good of the community

4.The legal ownership of all property vests in the head of the state

he Legal theory of property is associated with:





hich one of the following statements is not correct?

1.Right to property implies the right to acquiredestroy or give away property

2.Right to property has the sanction of society behind it

3.Property can exist only in a stage

4. Property existed in the pre-civil society as well

Landed property was a symbol of social status during:

1.Ancient times

2.Medieval times

3.Modern times

4.All the above

Property is essential for the development of characterfor without some property there can be no libertyand without liberty there can be no proper development of character. The above statement was made by:




4. T.H. Green

Right to property is considered:

1.Religious right

2.Economic right

3.Civil right

4. Political right

That with which a man has mixed his labour becomes his property. The above statement was made by:


2.Karl Marx



The best exposition of Marxian concept of private property is available in:

1.Das Capital

2.Communist Manifesto

3.State and Revolution

4.The Origin of Family Private property and the State

The difference between the value of commodity produced by a labourer and the wages receivedby him is known as


2. Surplus value



The idea of private property emerged:

1.After the industrial revolution

2.After people started leading settled life

3.After the creation of the state

4.After the glorious revolution

The idealistic theory of property is associated with the name of:





The Individualistic Theory of property is associated with:


2. J.S. Mill

3.Adam Smith

4. TH. Green

The labour theory of property holds that:

1.Property should belong to labours alone

2.Property was created as result of mixing of labour

3.Property should be equitably distributed amongst the lobourers

4.A person who does not put in Physical labour should not be give anything to eat

The Labour theory of property implies that:

1.With the growth of capitalist economy

2.The capital is the major factor for the determination of the property

3.The property is acquired through the application of labour

4.None of the above

The Labour theory of property made its appearance in:

1.The ancient times

2.The medieval age

3.The modern time

4.The 20th century

The Labour theory of property was first of all advocated by:

1.John Locke

2.Adam Smith

3. Karl Marx


The modern liberals are:

1. Opposed to private property

2.In favour of absolute right to private property

3.In favour of common ownership of property

4.In favour of regulation of property in larger interests of the seciety

The natural theory of property helds that:

1.Property was one of the first rights granted after the creation of the state

2. Right to property existed prior to the creation of the state

3.Right to property is granted because it is considered natural for a citizens drvelopment

4.Right to property was granted by God

The property is the creation of:



3.Adventurist businessmen

4.Co-operative endeavour

The rationale of the right to property is identifiable in three of the following nations. Identify the notion which does not belong to this group?

1.The measure of property nature has endowed to man is in keeping with his Labour and convenience of life

2.The right to property is in consonance with divine dispensation

3.The property nature has given to man is his own and nobody has any right to it but himself

4.Since man tillsplantsimproves and cultivates property and can use the product of each propertyit is his own

The theory of surplus value is associated with:

1.J.S. Mill

2.Herbert Spencer

3.Adam Smith

4. Karl Marx

There are certain writers who regarded the possession of property as a necessary qualification for franchise. One of them has writtenIt is important that the Assembly which votes the taxes should be elected exclusively by people who pay something towards the taxes imposed. Those who pay no taxesdisposing by their votes of other peoples moneyhave every motive to be lavish and none to economies. Who said this?



3.J.S. Mill

4. Barker

Which of the following is not a correct statement about Godwins views about property?

1.It is root cause of many evils

2. It hampers social progress

3.It should be retained with some restrictions

4.It should be abolished

Which of the following is not true about Liberals about private property?

1. It gives rise to love for charity and culture

2. It is reward for labour

3.The state has no right to regulate it

4.Individual should be paid compensation for states taking away ones private property

Which of the following is not true about Liberals about private property?

1. It gives rise to love for charity and culture

2. It is reward for labour

3.The state has no right to regulate it

4. Individual should be paid compensation for states taking away ones private property

Which of the following is not true about private property?

1. It helps in the development of fine arts

2.It develops a sense of confidence in people

3.It checks exploitation

4.It develops a sense of respobsibility among owners

Which of the following is not true about Syndicalists views about private property?

1.It will be managed by syndicates

2.Syndicates shall be its owners

3.It will be owned by the society

4.Society will decide about means of production

Which of the following is true about Machiavellis views about property?

1. It should be abolished

2.It should be under church

3.It should be under state control

4. It should be used for collective welfare

Which of the following is true about Proudhans views about property?

1.State noes not sustain private property

2. It should be retained under state control

3. It promoted monopolistic tendencies

4.It was not a theft

Which of the following statements is not true about Bakunins views about property?

1.It is root cause of many evils

2.It is instrument of exploitation

3.State could not exist without it

4. It made millions happy and joyous

Which of the following thinkers advocated the abolition of private property?





Which one of the following defects of private has been wrongly listed?

1. It leads to division of society into two hostile classes

2. It encourages self-interest at the cost of social interest

3.It encourages scramble for power and wealth in place of nutual co-operation

4. It leads to political insta

Which one of the following is not in keeping with Laskis views on property?

1.The property owned by most people is not commensurate with the duties performed by them

2.Property leads to wasteful production under a capitalist system

3.Inherited property is morally justified

4.The property is the reward for labour

Which one of the following is not true about Anarchists views about private property?

1.It helps capitalists in squeezing the blood of the poor

2.It promotes selfish interests

3.It helps in producing socially useful goods

4.It does not care for social needs

Which one of the following is not true about Anarchists views about private property?

1. It is creating anarchy in production

2.It protects the interests of the rich

3. It protects the interests of all the sections of society

4. It should be altogether abolished

Which one of the following is not true about John of Paris wiews about property?

1.Priest should have maximum property

2.Priest should have only minimum necessary property

3.General supervision of property should be in the hands of the king

4.Pope was custodian of property

Which one of the following is not true about private property?

1. It has resulted in exploitation

2. It makes the people selfish

3. It has helped in the development of civilisation

4.It has checked division of society into classes

Which one of the following is not true about private property?

1.It has checked incentive and initiative

2.It has divided society in classess

3. It has promoted social disharmony

4. It has deprived the poor of their pleasure

Which one of the following is true about Aristotles views about property?

1.It should be possessed by all

2. It should be under religious control

3.It should be managed by the king

4. There should be communism of property

Which one of the following statements is correct?

1. Right to property is a natural right

2.Right to property needs the backing of society

3.Right to property needs no sanction of society

4.Right to private property is absolute

Which one of the following statements is not correct?

1.Private property leads to exonomic equality

2.Private property ecourages exploitation of the one class by another

3. Private property leads to moral and physical degeneration

4.Private property gave rise to imperlialism and colonialism

Which one of the following statements is true about Melanchthans views about property?

1.It is based on natural law

2.It is based on religious law

3.State was not justified in confiscating property of church

4.State had no right to confiscate property earned even by unethical means

Which one of the following thinkers did not favour the rulers to own property?




4.All the above

Which one of the following was a strong opponent of the right to private property?



3.Mao Tse Tung

4.Adam Smith

Which one of the followings has been wrongly listed as a merit of private property?

1.It provides incentive to worker

2.It leads to division of labour and great production

3.. It provide if sense of pleasure

4. It provides incentive to the developments of z artseienceliteratureetc.

Which one the arguments in favour of private property given belowhas been wrongly listed?

1.Right to private property is in keeping with the principle of equality

2.Private property gives incentive to the individual to work hard

3.Private property gives a sense of security

4. Private property promotes qualities of charity and benevolence

Who of the following believed that private property in the society came as a serpent?

1.John Huss




Who of the following does not favour the idea of retention of private propertywho is he?



3.J.S. Mill

4. T.H. Green

Who of the following is associated with Idealist theory of property?





Who of the following is not associated with Anarchists views about property?





Who of the followings considered property as natural?





Who of the followings first of all advocated communism of property.





Who of the followings was opposed to private property?

1. J.S. Mill

2.Adam Smith



Who said property is necessary for the realisation of ones will?





Who said that property is the source of power?





Who said that state did not create propertybut was it created in order to protect it?

1.John Locke

2.T.H. Green

3. Karl Marx

4.H.J Laski

Who said. A man readily forgives the nurder of his father than the confiscation of his property.





Who said: The citizen has a right to work?





Who was the author of The Origin of FamilyPrivate Property and the State?

1.Karl Marx




With the emergence of the walfare stateemphasis begain to be laid on

1.Absolute right to private property

2.Regulation of property in the interest of community

3.Abolition of right to private property

4. None of the above

With whom is the statement that: The man who after enclosing a piece of land saidthis is mine was the founder of society associated?






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